Name; John Christofer Corales
Location; Binan
IGN; Uchiha
Why do i want to be a gm?
I want to help players who need help for the server.. I want to become the best GM here and that is included in my goals.I can help this server to inite players.Now that i have chance I'm now doing the application. I want to share my abilities of being good GM to others like what i did in my previous server. I love to take the responsibility of a GM. I'm studying well now at school to graduate and to my future. It will be my pleasure to become a part of GM team.
Have you been a gm before? CSD RAN ,RAN UNLI
How often can you be online?: last time i can be online for 23 hours but now i can only online for 13 hours cause im studying well so it would be lot more fun and challenging.