his topic are just for newbies and beginners in the game..
once you've registered at the game..
u will noticed after creating the character there is a free level 135 set and a weapon.
now.. selecting a type of stat.
stats are [pow] [dex] [int] alternatives [vitality] \
power - Currently increases your damage and u can use power skills
------------------> Power have less area skill.
------------------> deals GREAT damage
Area Skill meaning: >>> Target quantities.
Dex - Increases your agility; attack speed; dodge rate; and probability in attacking; inrease in defense rate and attack rating
---------------> so that u can use Dex skills
---------------> Dex have more Area Skills
---------------> Deals Less damage than Power type
Intelligence - Increase your SP rate or sometimes called MP; and fast MP or SP recovery rate
-------------------------> so that u can use INT type skills
-------------------------> deals Great magical damage if PURE INT.
-------------------------> have less Defensive rates;and less attack rating; also have less probability of hitting
Vitality - Increases HP; and HP recovery rate
-------------------> can also be helpful in producing mobs. (recommended to Dex type)
[but i recommend pure stats]
SO at first.. i recommend to go PURE TYPE.. you can go HYBRID if u want.. after youve been REBORN several Times..
HOPE this THread for newbies really helped..